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For Photographers

Grand Wayne Convention Center's Public Photography Policy

Out of courtesy to our visiting events, their guests, and our set-up crews, we request professional photographers, videographers,  and production companies to call in advance to schedule a block of time for a photoshoot. Typically, there is no charge or a nominal fee for use of Grand Wayne Convention Center public spaces.

Please review these guidelines prior to your visit:

  • Please keep close watch on small children as forklifts and heavy equipment are frequently utilized in our public hallways.
  • Do not block entrances, hallways or meeting room doors with equipment, props, or subjects/talent.
  • Steer clear of areas being utilized for meetings/parties by Grand Wayne Center conference guests.
  • As electrical cords are a tripping hazard, we ask they be no longer than 3 feet.
  • To avoid serious injury, subjects/talent may not pose on escalators.
  • Excessive moving of or standing on lobby furniture is not permitted.
  • No standing on or in the fountain area.
  • Please ask permission if using props larger than a folding chair.

Publishing images of the Grand Wayne Convention Center for advertising and promotional purposes requires written consent from the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

To check the Grand Wayne Convention Center event schedule, please contact:

Brett Veit, Guest Experience Manager at
260.426.4100 — Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

We love seeing your photographs. Please share by tagging us @GrandWayneCC and #grandwaynecenter