Welcome to Weirdly Normal
We know how you feel: what a ridiculous year we’ve all endured.
After learning to manage and adapt to COVID’s conundrums, we’re remaining optimistic about “returning to normal” — but we’re not denying that the “normal” we used to know and love isn’t the normal of tomorrow. It’s a new normal and it feels weird, but here’s what we know about event planning moving forward:
Workflow relies on Information flow
Conventions and meetings are alive and well … just different. Now more than ever, convention productivity relies on clear, consistent event information about meeting options, online connectivity, and real-time practicality. Event apps offer creative options for event planners to make the most of hybrid and remote meetings, keeping participants connected and motivated particularly during this weirdly normal era.
Planners are wise to explore available options and utilize an event venue’s resources to create a comfortable, reliable and efficient online and/or in-person event. We’re especially fortunate to have a fully equipped and staffed in-house AV department that can help planners create productive, purposeful events with both real-time and remote connectivity. Once the specifics are in place, this is good information to share with attendees so they begin to feel connected and valued.

It’s all about spacing and pacing
We believe hybrid events are here to stay, but nothing will ever replace the relevance of in-person gatherings. These days, so much of this type of event planning relies on current health guidelines from local authorities, and fortunately bonafide event venues are stepping up, cleaning up, and setting up to assure guest safety.
A distinguishing benefit of convention centers (and something we’re seeing a lot of) is the reassignment of bigger spaces to accommodate safer gatherings. Expanding the footprint of a room set or trade show allows for comfortable spacing and traffic flow, separate entrances and exits, and dining options.

Socially dynamic over socially distanced
If every meeting planner’s job is to connect the organization’s members, then we say dynamics always win over distance. Our capacity, capability and creativity are the reasons and rewards of helping event planners think beyond the old normal in order to embrace the weirdly new normal. Meetings, conventions, banquets, trade shows can and will still happen even if looking and working a bit differently. The right approach makes the difference and dynamics overrule distance every time.
If you’d like to learn more about our capacities, capabilities, and creativity, call or email one of our sales managers today. Let’s talk!